Friday, July 20, 2018

Cycling in LaHabra Heights Ride Guide

Riding for pleasure in LaHabra Hts can be extremely challenging yet rewarding.  Of course the hills are but a tease to the accomplished rider or a dissuading humbling nudge to the neophyte .  "See, how I exist for your fitness as well as a quick paced downward flight simulation simulator, take me on and prove your stripes," the LH hill said proudly. For your pleasure I will provide info on two challenging streets, on ways to ride defensively, so you can slither your bike over hill and dale without harm, god willing; I will discuss various routes that provide entertainment in tandem with fitness; defensive maneuvering, avoiding road splat by cars (deathmobiles) or other cyclists (including salmons).  

  If you can muster the fortitude and muscle to take on Ardsheal (our shield, defending the province of Heights, LaHabra), by all means champion this hill.  This is a street with grades extreme and a few low grades for a short pause between exertions. Let Ardsheal lead you to a miraculous view located on the right facing opposing hill, hacienda Road  gazillion cars on it rising up the treacherous canyon above an expansive gulch.  Watch you don't suffer from vertigo becoming rather dizzy looking out, imagining yourself kiting across the void. Could prove to be hazardous!
   For your enticement midway on ascension (still on Ardsheal) look to the right side for a stunning view of a faux-lawn tennis court with low fences which remains a strident green in summer.  This remains a mystery, why the low fence? Perhaps  this court is only for show,  or for the wealthy lord of the premises to dispatch the best tennis balls during play to his neighbors below, "spare no expense: just enjoy the game," says he.
 Be weary of cars careening down this slope at breakneck speed by staying close to the right as possible.  I know, if you are a climber specialized you will be tempted to  do the snake, meaning gaining the upper-hand by meandering uphill as a river would be on the descent down a ravine. Funny how we cyclists mock nature's tendencies! Know that this technique of weaving uphill is best performed by using the right lane and not breaching the line (a center line is an imaginary line  on Ardsheal or for that matter in Lahabra Heights, period!).
  One time, probably my last, I was making generous sweeps up a straight slope on Ardsheal, crossing the imaginary line.  A white truck came swiftly bounding around the bend and caught me on the left side meandering my way towards the right.  Well, I made for the right, right quickly.  But in fear I saw that he took to his left lane to compensate for my taking his lane.  Wow, was I in a fix.  Luckily he maneuvered back and I happily live still to ride. Dumb mistakes transfix in the brain to never be repeated again for good reason.

Airoso is a street for the hill hungry cyclist, no diet cyclist you be.. The ascent is rude and crude.  Curving up the hill with no allowances for breaks, just a steady push, you may even find yourself pushing your ride up the hill.  Be not ashamed, your walking speed may even surpass that of riding.
You are ascending a steepy and you hear coming up from the rear an engines hum (Better yet, you see its approach with your bicycle mirror. If you spy a driveway, pause inside its entrance and wave the car on: or if no driveway is available and you see no opposing traffic pull to the left bank and pause waving the driver on.  If this happens to be the car's driveway, smile and move aside of course. 
If you are approaching a curve and you detect a car behind you, I recommend taking the lane and preventing the passing of this vehicle.  This, I'll admit, defies logic.  For if you are on the far right and the car passes you, you'll remain safe and sound.  However, if an oncoming vehicle wraps around the bend, who will the passing car favor?  Will he favor running into a flashy car opposing him or hitting a marginal cyclist, sending him flying down a canyon wall? 
When descending a perilous Height's road, take care to stay at or near the center line (Imaginary line of course!).  This prevents the sudden terror of a car lurching out of a driveway and hitting you in your supposed right side imaginary bike lane. 
 Practice maneuvering your bicycle down a steep hill by shifting your weight on the bike rather than turning or leaning, this practice is similar to the observed practice of a slaloming skier. This can prove to be very useful when either faced by a car or a another cyclist on the descent.
When passing a pedestrian or cyclist, always pass on the left.  In addition let your desire be known by courteously yelling out "passing on your left" or "bicycle."
When you find yourself at the intersection of West Skyline and Hacienda wishing to make your descent down Hacienda either to the left or to the right.  Set your wheel to aim for the crosswalk button.  Wait for the crosswalk sign to magically appear and glide down the hill unimpeded by cars churning down your cyclist on descent pipe.

Warning, never let your guard down.  Yesterday while making my gradual descent on El Travisia,, a white truck jutted out on the right with engine groaning.  I yelled out "Hey!" which helped to awaken the driver to the spook (me) close to the center lane, he came to a stop, thankfully.
To be continued.


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